Wednesday 3 June 2009

Reflection on the Exhibition

WOW! yesterdays exhibition was amazing! My group and I tought the kids and the parent how water pollution is really bad.
I thought that the exhibition will be much harder but it wasnt at all, it was really easy after all. People came to our table and they asked a lot of questions, my group and I were able to answer all of there questions!
On June the 1st parents came in to look and listen to our exhibition! On June the 2nd the hole school came and plus the school Studina Novak, there where a lot of kids and parents. The children colored the water cycle and they kind of ruined our fish poster because the poster was in wront of the table and when the children colored in the water cycle they squeshed the poster a bit but it doesnt really matter.

Then the exhibition was over we got to pic posters to take home, i really wonted the white poster: In what world do you prefer to live in? But Lilla wonted it so I just have it to her because when we worked on the posters she didnt take any posters home to work on so thats why i just have it to her. When we tiddied our table and took our stuff away we got to watch two movies one was Hoot and the other movie was The Spirit Bear, we didnt finish watching The Spirit Bear because the bell rang and it was time to go home. We didnt evan watch hoot because the sun shined throught the window and we couldnt close the curtains because they broke, Thats why we couldnt see the picture!

Sample Reflection Questions

General Questions About Selection a Piece:

1. I wont that people see my poster that I made with my group, because I really like it and I put a lot of effort in it.
2. I would like to share my part on the report what I did because I really think its important to know about my topic and the
causes of that topic.
3. I would like to spend sometime thinking about my part what are the causes of Water Pollution, If i can edit it more

Backward- Looking Reflection Questions:

1. I new a bit about the topic but not that much because i never studied it before. But know I know a lot about it!
2. We accoplited everything we needed to and everyone did there own work!
3. No i didn't do a similar project in the past. This is the 1st time that I'm doing it.
4. I studied it a lot and that's how I got better at it!!
5. I could improve in: When I find some facts on a Internet site, that I write the Internet source!
6. I kept forgetting to copy past the Internet site!
7. I wrought it on a piece of paper and that's how I remembered it!
8. I used a lot of resources while working on the project i used: i might use it again
because there is a lot of information on that site not only about water pollution but other sustainable stuff.
9. Well for me it doesn't really tell a story but sometimes when i edit the work it sometime does tell a not to pollute water!

Inward- looking Reflection Questions:

1. I like the small poster that I put most of the effort in, because it really shows ugly pictures and really beautiful pictures of seas oceans and
rivers and then you get to pic in what world would you prefer to live in?
2. I loved making the 3 posters and typing up my part what are the causes of water pollution, and I loved making the posters because if
we have a group project and if we do a poster I always wont to make it!
3. I'm really satisfied with eh 3 posters that we finished, and I'm also really satisfied with the report that we finished and know I'm so happy that
we finished it!
4. I'm really frustrated with: will the demonstration work? Or will it not?
5. My expectations where that we will finish the stuff that we needed to finish on time!
6. Yes we did meet the expectations
7. Our goals where to all finish our part and that didn't change, because we all had to finish our own parts and we did in the project.
8. I learned how to research and how to put Internet words in my own words!
9. I learned that I can finish stuff on time and that I can trust people that they will finish there work on time!
10. Yes my group and I changed a lot of ideas from the begging of the year for example: we wonted to have a picture painted of water pollution
but we didn't like it so we changed it, know where making a model.
11. 'WOW' form the begging of the year my pyp writing project the Religion project, my brochure doesn't really make seance in some of the writing
and there's A LOT of grammar/spelling mistakes!
12. Well before I didn't really research a lot like know and my spelling was really bad because I didn't really read 5Th grade level books, but know I do!
13. It tells me that I have a lot improved in my p.y.p. skills and I'm a 10 times better learner!

Outward- Looking Reflection Questions:

1. Well I'd give it a in between meets expectations and exceed expectations, because we all put in a great deal of work and we deserve it!
2. I'd give it a 4 out of 5 because we put in a great deal of work but teachers might not thinks so, so maybe I'd give it a 4 out of 5!
3. I would LOVE them to read our report about water Pollution, the model and to look at the 3 posters that we made!
4. They usually look at the posters!
5. It meets the expectations because if you look at what we wrought at the report everyone would see that it has to meet expectations.
6. We meet the expectation's! We never would be below meets expectations!
7. They would learn how much I and my group members put effort in it!
8.Well I'd save 3 things to remind me of the project, I'd save the fish poster, In what world would you prefer to live in poster, and the report that we made!

Forward-Looking Reflection Questions:

1. I'd improve more on is to make the posters more designed!
2. I wouldn't really change anything but if I really had to I'd change the 1ts poster that will go behind of on the exhibition, Because I didn't really draw the water pollution
words nicely in bubble letters!
3. I didn't really see all the work from my classmates and I wouldn't really change anything!
4.I might try to improve more facts on causes of water pollution/ Industrial waste!
5.I'd spend more time on the poster because there are my group members and I can work with them!
6. My teacher next year should now that i'm a really great learner and that i love working on projects in groups and that I cant wait to be
in here class this year to learn more things!
7. I'd show them things they dont know, I mean why would I show them stuff that they know!

Written by: Doroteja Krupnikovic 5A

1 comment:

  1. Doroteja,

    You have really improved in your ability to reflect! I am glad that you are such a motivated learner and that you enjoyed the Exhibition. Great work!

    Mrs. J
